Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Igualada Site Analysis

"Geometry cleanses predisposition..." 

The review and site analysis are finished for the Igualada cemetery site. Our guest critic mentioned the connection between some of the studies produced for analysis and Duchamp's work. The studies reference his work because of the invention that becomes apparent when looked at from a different viewpoint. 

Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2
Collection of studies on Miralles and Pinos' cemetery entrance
Examination of a single "mast" or "cross,"inversion of the solid void relationship to show the spaces a single gate creates
Overall view of the entry, folded ridges representative of ground manipulation and raised embankments, masts and burial wall turned up, shows a way the gates create implied lines through the site
Axonometric view of entryway, transparencies overlayed to show lines of circulation as well as the transition from industry out and the return to nature within, by highlighting contrast between gates and grassy ridge along visitor's left in passing
Overhead view of wire drawing that studies the three gates in relationship to one another - pure invention

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